Family growth company Hiisi Homes grew into a mid-sized operator in just one year time

Only about a year after the Homies Ari, Markus and Niklas folded their shirts into the closet and put their working gloves on has Hiisi Homes grown into a mid-sized operator of serviced apartments in Finland. The family company coming from the hoods of lake Hiidenvesi provides serviced self-service living in furnished apartments and you can be one of the homies and book your stay already in 8 location in Southern Finland.

Hiisi Homes furnished a total of 80 apartments or rooms for their residentes during 2018. The current capacity includes beds for heads for more than 250 homies. Lease agreements were made for a total of about 150 apartments. New lease agreements will be released to the public during the spring of 2019. The total revenue of 2018 was around 500k € which enable employing a total of 11 homies as well as the original Homies, partners and subcontractors.

The year 2019 will be another year of growth for the Homies. The plan is to increase the capacity up to 250 apartments. Revenue is projected to be six times more compared to 2018 which means a revenue of around 3m. Geographically the focus will continue to be in Helsinki Greater Area and the first nex big city will be Turku from the summer of 2019. The group of Homies will grow as we go and new partners will come along the way to support the growth. In the summer of 2019 Hiisi Homes will employ a few summer employees especially in the Turku property. After year 2019 Hiisi Homes will be one of the largest serviced apartment providers in Finland.

Family growth company Hiisi Homes offers serviced self-service living in furnished apartments. The team of Homies including all of the employees is number one priority for Hiisi Homes. Taking care of the Homies ensures all of the residents will be taken care of extremely well. Hiisi Homes was founded by 3 original Homies living by the lake Hiidenvesi Ari Lapveteläinen, Markus Veikkolainen and Niklas Eriksson.

More information: Entrepreneur – Homie Markus Veikkolainen, +358 40 670 8556,

Hiisi Homes
Serviced Apartments – Homes for Homies / /